Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Neat stuff

Maybe I'm just getting older, but more things tend to fascinate me these days. Take this guy, for instance. It's called "space painting" and he uses regular everyday spray paint, poster board and newspapers and magazines. The results are out of this world. Literally.

I'm also a music lover, having grown up playing guitar since early elementary school. Along the way, I discovered electricity and one of the most iconic rock songs ever written and performed, Smoke On The Water. Here is a VERY cool video of the original members of Deep Purple, plus many others who rotated in and out of the band over the years performing the iconic song--and with the London Symphony Orchestra and Chorus backing them. Fantastic stuff.


Speaking of iconic songs, Stairway To Heaven was voted "#1 Rock song of all time" how many times each New Year's Eve? I thought I had heard ever version of Stairway there was, until I heard this one--a duet of Mexican classical guitars, and from a husband and wife no less. The talent here is indescribable. Enjoy.

Moving away from music, here is a football "trick throw" artist that is unbelievable. Not sure how well he does or can perform with five-hundred pound linemen rushing at him, but just the sheer accuracy of his throwing is awesome.

And finally, even though it's in the middle of the year, my favorite Christmas card--made and produced right here in my home state of Texas.

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